
Lubricate & Un-hinge

One of the functions is to provide light lubrication of hinges, door locks and much more. Double TT administers a lubricating film that provides reduced exposure to dirt pick-up, which can be abrasive.

The product is designed to penetrate seized components, enabling them to be freed more easily without the risk of damage. Double TT contains searching solvents and additives which provide releasing properties and leaving behind a residual lubricating film which aids dismantling.

For home, garden & workshop

Perfect for most household chores. loosening fused nuts and hinges, stuck pliers or adjustable spanners, tricky keyholes and padlocks, bike chains and cogs, stuck drawers. Can be used for cleaning and lubricating car and motorcycle parts.


Prevents electrical leakage

Double TT Maintenance spray stops electrical leakage by removing damp and moisture from the current flow – drying the electrical connections in items such as plugs, leads, coils, and batteries.

Water Repellent

Double TT Maintenance Spray is much less likely to be washed off in practical applications where water contact is likely as it is a light gel-like material. This means there is less tendency for the product to drain away, particularly on vertical surfaces. Due to these properties Double TT provides excellent corrosion prevention properties, which far exceed competitor product capabilities.



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Tetrosyl Ltd.
Newgate House, Newgate, Rochdale
Lancashire, OL16 1AT

We’re available to chat Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.
Phone: 0161 764 5981